Cari Champion From ESPN’s “First Take” SUCKS!!!!!

I’m not trying to be mean, but you guys gave her a chance. She tried, now it’s time to go. She knows NOTHING about sports, she is annoying, and she misses her cues constantly. She’s pretty, and I’m sure she will be good on the today show……but honestly ESPN! Either fire her or fire your program director, because its getting painful to watch. She takes away the quality and integrity of First Take. How do you expect us sports fans to take u guys seriously, when u have a giggling, brain dead, bimbo giggling and irritating the audience?…………..Oh, I almost forgot……Get rid of that fucking horrible intro song too.

Categories: cari champion | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 119 Comments

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119 thoughts on “Cari Champion From ESPN’s “First Take” SUCKS!!!!!

  1. Robert Simms

    I couldn’t agree with you more. She is a true ditz. She’s painful to listen to. Jemel should have given the opportunity to moderate. One other thing, I don’t find her the least bit attractive.

    • She’s getting worse by the day too. One other thing……….get rid of that god awful intro rap/song or whatever the fuck u call that pile of unintelligible shit. “Say what say what what’s wrong with all these haters”………. I’ll tell you what’s wrong dummy! We can’t understand a word your saying. Speak English!

      • How about getting rid of that god awful NBC Sunday night intro song with Carrie Underwood.

      • Gmoney

        You sound fucking racist. I’m waiting for you to say shit about Stephen A. Smith

      • I actually like SAS. He’s not an incompetent moron like Mrs. Champion, Sorry you think commenting on stupid people who aren’t white makes me racist. Check out the rest of my blog.. Most of the assholes I talk shit about are white…. And if u like that retarded intro song so much go ahead and bump that crap in ur G ride “gmoney” ya fuckin dipshit.

      • Mr. Rationale

        Y’all must be white. Sounds like some underlying racism to me

      • Like i said a hundred times, jemelle hill would have been much better. And i live SAS. Nice argument tho, dipshit

    • Hugh Jorgan

      she looks like a prostitute.

      • T~bone

        Hey Diggster. A couple observations from this Monday morning show. Havent posted in a while, but still follow your Blog (evidently you are a racist, naughty you, ha ha)
        First off,as we have all mentioned about the “umm hums, aaah haas, and yeps” from the gallery (when they should turn off her mike when others are talking)”, I did make an observation today, and last Monday as well. She doesnt have much to say on a Monday, other than sounding like a woman in a Baptist church, saying Amen to Skip and SAS. There is a reason she is not interjecting any more than a babbling baby could. There are way to many College FB games, and NFL games on the weekend, throw in the MLB playoffs coming up, a big fight on Saturday night, and I can assure you she was skanking in a bar this weekend , and probably didnt watch ONE game of any type! She sat there like an idiot and other than the “yeps, mmm hmms”, the most words she said was when she barged in and said “my producer just sent this to me” and blabbled out some stat in 3 sentences. At least she gave him credit. I do have something to say about SAS,and what he said today, but he is my guy, so I will cut him some slack. But next time he acts up, I will be back to vent.

    • T~bone

      I thought I heard it all… Today, when trying to bring up the topic for debate, on the OKC vs San Antonio, with Ibaka (obviously as we all know, from OKC), her dumbness, while reading off notes, said, “Stephen A. Naismaith, Can the Spurs actually beat, OKC, without Ibaka”…After a long pause, SAS got a confused look on his face and said “What, is this some type of trick question?” Skip helped her along, and said, “You mean the other way around”. She quickly re-read her notes, and said, Oh, “can they beat the spurs without Ibaka?” Not only does this waste of an employment seat for a competent sports bradcaster not know whom plays for which team, the dumb Bitc* can not even read the questions properly from the cue cards that the producers have to work overtime to make for her, since she has NO CLUE! SHE HAS GOT TO GO!!!

  2. oh well

    I thought I was the only one that thought she is terrible…not even good or OK, but literally terrible.

  3. Pie and Some Beans

    I could not have said it any better than any of you. She is one of the worst hosts of any program on any channel at any time!!! I liked Jay Crawford.

  4. Joe

    I totally agree. Carii makes DAILY mistakes and her timing seems to be off most of the time. It’s just an awkward situation. Cindy Brunson would’ve been great. Jemel Hill was very good when she debated Skip, but she sometimes got too opinionated as a moderator. Jay Crawford was an excellent moderator. Cari is in way over her head! She needs to go back to the Tennis Channel.

  5. Today when Skip said Philadelphia had a draft pick she corrected him by saying, “no, the Eagles have that pick”. She is completely clueless and half the time isn’t even paying attention to what’s going on betwen Skip and Stephen A – that’s why she says half the stupid things that come out of her mouth. I agree, Jemel would have been a much better choice.

    • When she speaks, I turn the channel

      • Thomas

        I am with you digs, only difference is, I mute the volume, and unmute only when I see Stephen or Skips lips moving. The only problem is, there is no way to shut her mouth while they are debating, she constantly interrupts from the peanut gallery. I sometimes feel like the Preacher must be speaking, with all of her “yeah, aha, that’s right” comments coming from her in the background. The most annoying of all, is that Bothersome fake laugh, at nearly everything Stephen says!
        It has been over a year of her now, so I am assuming that they signed her to a new contract. We may be stuck with her, but ESPN is going to lose viewers. There is only so much of this woman that a person, myself included, can tolerate.

    • jay-j

      Dave there are so many other times she screws up I’m not saying she shouldn’t be on tv but not this type of show she seems like she should be on the news

    • Thomas

      lol, I saw that one. My favorite of all time when SAS and Skip were putting a grade on a performance of a team. ( I do not remember which team). Skip gave the performance a “C”, and explained his reasoning for the grade. SAS gave it a “B+”. Needless to say, the debate got a bit heated as they tried to justify their grades. When it was time to move on, Cari jumped in to try and moderate her way to a commercial. Her ending the debate, was to try and find a happy medium grade. She said, “Ok, gentleman, we have to move on, so lets agree to take the average, and give them a “C -“, and tried to go to a commercial. Skip was visibly laughing, and Stephen A . cut her off from going to commercial, asking her how a C and a B+ = a C-. She tried to talk her way out of it, but SAS wouldn’t let her off so easy. She defended her math, and broke to commercial, leaving SAS scratching his head in confusion. I laughed all the way through the commercials at the ignorance of the woman.

  6. burter

    The Song doesn’t bother me at all, mainly cause I like rap, haha. But yea she sucks bad. I’m just tired of her giggling, saying huh uh, hmmmm hmmmm and other annoying things. And anytime they bring up the Lakers, I know I’m going to hear all of that and more from her. She doesn’t understand what her role is. I’m tired of it for sure. It’s to the point that I put it on mute anytime they talk about Lakers (not like I like the Lakers anyways).

    • jay-j

      I like rap but the song kind of played out and cari got to go my vote would be charissa thompson

  7. Aaron R

    I am glad im not the only one who finds her to be awful… I too hate it when she says “hmm hmm” and “yeah”… and then sometimes she’ll just repeat exactly what skip says.. Cari, we are aware that you know nothing about sports, so quit trying to play it off like you do.

    Oh and the intro song is awful, i mute my TV for the first couple minutes of the show.

    Oh and the Oprah voice is F**king annoying as well!!!! It was funny the first time, but now she does all the time.

    There is no reason for her to even be on that show, she adds nothing. She must be banging Skip.

  8. Telsa Nicilo

    HORRIBLE, why was this skank given this job to begin with? Anyone in the position of hiring qualified personnel could clearly determine that this dirt leg has NO skills in moderating, no sense of timing, unable to properly read from the teleprompter without staring a whole through it, and lastly(I know I left out plenty) this bubblehead knows Nothing about sports. Her disingenuous uuhhuhhs feigning her knowledge of whats being said is sooo painful. Whoever hired this loon should be shown the door, along with this brain dead dope.

  9. Simmons

    First Take sucks. Skip and Stephen A are jackass scrubs that simply make stupid faces and shout. Who gives a shit how many mistakes the host makes? The show is the bottom of the barrel and a good place for new broadcasters to gain experience.

  10. Christian

    I don’t like to use this word, but I really hate that woman. She’s fucking annoying every time she opens her mouth. I listen to the podcasts so I don’t care what she look like because she’s the worst. Ever since they change the studio and moderator, the show is getting worse by the day. I miss the with Jay Crawford, he was the perfect. I also believe the show was better when they had other debaters, like Jalen Rose, Chris Broussard, Cris Carter and others. Now, it gets kinda boring because th argument is stagnant and there’s nothing new to the show.

  11. Christian

    Oh and I forgot the most annoying thing about Cari. When she all the fucking time, it pisses me off. When SAS or Bayless makes a comment, she has to, for some reason, open her mouth a make that awful unprofessional laugh.

  12. Telsa Nicilo

    She’s unbearable. She dumb as a box of rocks. No knowledge whatsoever regarding sports. Not that it’s relevant, but I don’t find her attractive as some have mentioned. That’s not important though. Her knowledge of sports and her ability to moderate is, but she just plain incompetent. Actually Painful.

  13. Roy Rodgers

    Haha. I’m watching the show as I speak, for all the wrong reasons. Notice champions eyes when conversation is taken place. Her eyes just begin wandering to the camera, grabs her pen as if a profound thought has entered her empty head, then mumbling some idiotic response that nobody at the table pays attention to. Her timing is sooo bad it makes one cringe with uncomfortable responses. The moron knows zip about sports. She does no research on the topics or people who are to be discussed. She’s just so horrible all my friends and I who used to enjoy the show have stopped watching, unless only to drop in for a minute to get a few laughs as only chumpion can provide.

  14. Vicious Pie with some Onions and Bean Dip that you need to get down with so don't even play because I'm gangsta like that so hand me the French fries and get down

    Who at ESPN watches her everyday and think that she actually does a good job? Cari Champion is downright irritating. Her voice is so “nails on the chalkboard” and not only does she not add anything to the show, she actually takes away the fun dynamic of it. She repeats things, she talks to much. She’s not even cute to look at, which I am assuming is what they were going for. She may be fun to hang out and have nachos with, not saying she’s a bad person. She just absolutely sucks at her job and anyone with half a brain can see it. I don’t want her to lose her job, just reassign her to something else and bring back Jay Q. Crawford!

    • Juan Rodgers

      Your on the money. She adds Zero to any dicussion that takes place. Her voice makes my ears bleed! She’s as dumb as you could possibly find concerning sports. I mean c’mon, she adds Nothing to the discussion other than parroting something others have pointed out. When on the rare occasion she does express her point of view, it’s just so far in left field. Just another example of her putting that huge foot of her in her mouth. Just bloody awful, and as for the song ? Dumb. Who puts this show together and how can they possibly think its worth watching??

    • Armand Assilli

      I understand she came over from the Tennis Channel. That got me thinking could she have possibly sucked as bad there as she does on First Take? I just can’t imagine her being competent on any show dealing with sports. No. Make that Any show. The ill timed responses, that G_d awful laugh, the head bobbing uunhuhhs in her feeble attempts to appear as if she understands the topic being discussed, her parroting of comments that have already been made by others, I could go on all day. Anyway, whoever hired this bubblehead is no better than she is. One can’t recognize talent, and the other processes none.

  15. rapbrown

    The lying they lying.. and what the fuck I’m saying… you right I’m a fan ot hip hop. And that nigga is garbage

    • David

      They lying, they lion (ndamukong) I’m saying. Lying as in not telling the truth, Lion as in Ndamukong Suh of the Detroit Lions. Play on words. Sports metaphor rap

  16. Jarrett Clark

    She never has an opinion, or follows up with questions as to why Skip or Steven A. feel the way the do about comments. Jay Crawford did to all the time. Most of the time all you here is “Mmm hmm” or a “yeah”. Like what is that. Jemele Hill would have been an excellent replacement for Jay Crawford or even the woman from sports nation, I think her name is Christa or something

  17. ivan

    There was actually one show where Stephen A. was speaking and the camera panned over to Ms. Airhead & she was playing with her stomach! WTF!!!!!!! They should have kept Charissa Thompson or Cindy Brunson & I thought Jemele Hill did an excellent job for the brief time she was moderator

  18. John faust

    Cari Champion is a worthless ex-prostitute, current whore who sucked alot of penis with those big monkey lips and her 10 pounds of fake hair. I dont even know if that peice of gorilla shit is female. It looks like a man, snatch the wig off and your looking at rob parker Lol. That ho needs to go back to turning tricks in compton because she/he has the iq of an ape, it looks like one too.

  19. Anthony L. Summers

    Obviously, the derogatory and racesis
    statements made about Cari are very
    egregious and made by a Hater. They
    are devoid of any editorial acumen
    because what she can’t ascertain from
    the laptop she has, she is connected to
    a lot of knowledgable people through the ear piece she wears. Cari’s job is
    not defined by her sports acumen, but
    to be an extension of her producer to
    delegate dialogne. Whoever made the
    those comments about Cari is stuck on
    stupid and clueless.

  20. It’s blatantly obvious that these knuckleheads that made derogatory statements about Cari, are totally clueless in their perceptions as to what her job entails and what role she is expected to exemplify. I think she does a great job interjecting dialogne between Steven A. and Skip, because some of their argument leave a lot to be desired. I think all this negativity is a conspiracy because either Steven A. or Skip want her job because they don’t like working with a Lady in that capacity. They even show her the necessary respect. The egregious and ignorant statements made relative to Cari are more misogynistic in nature as
    oppose to facts. Those negative people need to go find something they don’t have. A life.

    • Cari Sucks

      Interjecting dialogue? That’s funny. An empty headed ill timed cackle does not qualify as dialogue. When she does try to formulate some sort of cogent response it generally isn’t pertinent to the conversation being absolutely No sense. She’s ill-prepared, knows nothing on any subject being discussed, hypnotized to the monitor as she struggles to read the teleprompter, and always so quick to claim credit of any topic raised on the show. For you guys that think she’s hot, look again. She merely looks like a nasty dirt-leg seen walking the streets.

      • It’s getting worse by the day. I am completely dumbfounded as to how she still has a job

    • You could not be more misdirected. Mysogynistic ? How does her being a female enter into this discussion? Can you understand that she has no skills in moderating and no knowledge of sports ? Or maybe you were eager to use your new word m-y-s-o-g-y-n-i-a-t-i-c. There. As for chumpion, she is beyond horrible, empty headed, and not appealing. What you might not know is cari was born Carl chumpion. Through the years and with some recontruction surgery you know have cari. (Just a limitless known fact you might find interesting)

  21. Donny

    I don’t like her. Who says she’s pretty? Not me. She is annoying, giggles (more like guffaws) too much and her sports knowledge is nil. This is what makes a woman attractive to me; I don’t know about you guys. One who is pleasant to look at, knows just enough about sports to appease me (or you), and is not silly. It ain’t her! Bring back Jemele!

  22. ross

    She is absolutely painful to listen to! I am shocked she has lasted this long.

  23. JJ

    I realize that you signed her to a contract and would have to pay her even if you fired her, but for god’s sakes cut your losses and hit the eject button. Stop the bleeding.

    And the theme song is just shamefull. You got robbed paying for that piece of annoying garbage. I would rather listen to The Facts Of Life theme song.

  24. Ed

    Shes really annoying to watch and hear.. With here annoying intro of ‘how are yoooouuuuu?’. She adds nothing to the show but ‘hmmm’, ‘uhhh huhhh’. She needs to go.

  25. Andrew

    That is it. I am done. I have been watching this show every day since it started, but this past year with Cari and my frustrations with her, have left me no choice but vow to watch it no more. The mmm-hmmm’s from the background, the “yea’s”, the constant interruptions have done it for me, as it has long ago for many of my friends. The fake laugh (which I think is a nervous laugh) is very unprofessional.
    When she says “My Lakers”, it is sickening. I guarantee that without that computer in front of her, this woman could not name 3 of the 5 starters, and 3 reserves, on “her Lakers”. I blame the higher ups for this mess. She is a moderator, bring up a topic, and shut up. I say again, M-O-D-E-R-A-T-0-R!! Somehow, from day one, she thought that she was the star of the show. The producers should have turned off her mic while others were talking. The only reason I stuck with this show so long after she got there, was because I was sure she would be fired, but it seems ESPN is sticking with her. A damn shame, ruined a great show, and losing many viewers because of her.

  26. I can't stand her

    SHE NEEDS TO SHUT UP! I am watching right now, and she is getting worse! It is hard to enjoy the debates when she is constantly interrupting. She has out done herself today; I do not have a clue as to how the ESPN bosses can allow her to be out of control. She needs to understand her job title, and read her job description.

  27. A nice break

    Today Skip, Stephen A., and that nasty woman are not on the show. They have a guest moderator, with Ryan Roucco, and Coachman debating. There is no laptop for the moderator to stick his face in to try to find stats, like the sea hag does constantly, to pretend not to be so ignorant. It is refreshing that the guest moderator is not cutting everyone off, nor is he yelling, and laughing to try and be the center of attention, like her disgustingness does. The show seems so smooth without the background Mmmmm-Hmmmm’s, and aha’s coming from that rag after every statement made by another. My New years wish is that the producers are observing how much better the show is without that obnoxious, trashy, attention seeking, piece of garbage so called moderator that they hired in error, and replace that sorry woman. Have a nice day.

  28. Crapion

    My wife said Cari Crapion looks like an ugly Olive Oyl, from Popeye. (BTW, what is up with those awful ass glasses that she has been sporting?)

  29. I miss Jay Crawford

    As Skip and Stephen A. are discussing the NCAA championship game, that woman looks totally lost. I will bet everything I own, that she did not even watch the game last night.

    • She is lost on a constant basis. That laugh of hers is turning me into a mental case!! Today her favorite line was “ya ya that’s what I was gonna say”……….bitch you weren’t gonna say anything so quit lying! How in gods name can the bosses at ESPN let this continue ?

      • Disgusted

        She is also a habitual sentence finisher, she will listen to others making a point, and when she finally understand what is going on, she will throw in last word of sentence, to pretend she knew the fact also.
        Ie…. Skip, ” Last night, Tom Brady had 4 touchdown passes, to no interceptions, he should be amongst the players in the running…..” Cari, “For MVP”…..ffs, shut up, and let the man finish talking. I swear, skip is extremely patient with her, there are many times I have seen her interrupt him, and he just stooped talking, took a deep breathe, and continued. You are correct, ESPN, owned by Disney has become HUGE over the past 30 years, how in the hell could they let someone like her slip through the cracks and get on a show. My God, she came from the Tennis channel! I do not ever recall my guys debating tennis on the show, so she has no clue of the big 4 sports!

        I am glad that you started this discussion page. For a while I thought that I was the only one that could see this woman is an amateur, looks like a street walker! I am literally laughing at your comment about her laugh making you a mental case. I suffer from the same symptom. I have angrily pushed the button on the remote to change channel when she starts that God awful pretend laugh, I have thrown remotes, and have even a few times it was time to go do laundry, or change the oil, as there was no reason to leave tv turned on while her nasty ass was there ruining what for 10 years, had been my favorite show.

        I have emailed the show several times, to ask for a challenge with her at Sports trivial pursuit. Doesn’t have to be aired, I will fly myself there, pay my own trip, but when a novice sports fan wins, it shall prove to them that there is no reason, that us watching their channel to gain knowledge of our favorite sports, should not be listening to someone that knows nothing about it. I do not know about you guys, but in the past, when I went for a job interview, I had to take a test, math, mechanics, personality,,,,, whatever. If the Big wigs were to give that dunce a 50 question test, even about general sports history, friends, I am telling you, she would score no higher than 30% (and that is provided there were a few Tennis questions). Sure, they wont let me play Sports trivia with her, but how about let me call in, while she is on the air, take out her ear piece, close the laptop, and ask her 5, just 5, questions that 99% of sports fans could answer? There is a reason that they would not allow that. If I were in charge of a huge entity as ESPN, I would have no worries about allowing that. They wouldn’t think twice about allowing Stephen A., Skip, Boomer, Mel Kieper, or the other experts to accept that challenge, but they know damn well she would make an ass of herself when misses 4 out of 5, and makes them look bad!

        Sorry for rattling, a good place to vent. I need a drink and a blood pressure pill.

      • Hahaha! We all feel your pain brother. Well said man. Did u see that odd statement she made at the end of today’s show? It was about Dennis Rodmans outburst. She literally made the producers stop the show at the end as she put on her ridiculous “serious” face and babbled a bunch of shit. My neighbors must think I’m insane from all my yelling at the TV. Good god she gotta go!!

      • digs344 for president

        I have seen her temper tantrums, and when she makes them stop the show before. She is very insecure, and I think that she knows that she is in over her head. You know they type, we have all worked with them. New guy comes in, fresh out of college as a boss, tries to tell workers that been there 20 years how to do their jobs. When they show him up, he gets defensive, and makes himself look even more stupid, as is the case with Cari ChUmpion. So many times near the end of the show, she makes an ass of herself, and when she realizes she is stupid, stops and says “that’s it folks, we gotta go”. No Bitch, YOU gotta go!

      • Hahahahaha

      • BTW a lot of Bristol IP addresses check out this blog daily!!! I guess her co- workers are fed up as well.

  30. digs344 for president

    Oh yea, I used to love to wake up to this show. Lucky for me I went out last night, drank to much, and slept through it, so didn’t have to wake my neighbors yelling as you did today. When I awoke, felt like hell, but when I found I had missed the show, it was like a blessing, I didn’t have to see that skank.

  31. Please fire that rag

    The end of last week, the last couple of days, she was very quiet, I figured the producers told her to shut up, or even better, was hoping she was humble because she knew she was on her way out. But nah, Today she is once again her obnoxious, out of line piece of garbage. Only reason she is quiet right now, is because as usual, she is desperately searching on her computer, so she can find a stat, that she can yell out about the debate, as if she is in the know.

    • She can’t even read the Teleprompter correctly. She flubs words every time she opens her trap! It’s unbearable

  32. Off the subject...

    What the hell is Pam Oliver doing on the air? She looks like a worn out crack whore, and in the limited part she has, she seems confused. When watching the Seattle/SF game tonight, it solidified my opinion of her, she looks worse than ever! Yikes, I am going to have nightmares!
    Even Erin Andrews looked like hell tonight, does FOX sports not send a make up person, or in Pam’s case, a HAIR DRESSER, and a plastic surgeon???

    • They both did look rough, I noticed!! At least they say things somewhat intelligent though. Not once has Mrs. Champion ever muttered anything remotely logical or intelligent. Not once

  33. Winz305

    I like Jay Crawford better. I don’t know how Carrie got this job.? She really doesn’t know anything about sports and never had follow ups to anything. She loves to cut off skip and Stephen A. from a very good debate and NEVER let’s them finish their thoughts or sentence. There is much more that I can go on about but everyone who reads this blog knows how clueless this woman is, beautiful but clueless. I pretty much quit watching the show now and I used to love that show.

    • She is out of her class

      Your thoughts are intelligent about the show. But I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I have heard others say she was pretty, and I have tried to figure out what they saw in her, and I am lost. First off, she has a weave, take out the weave, and she has very little hair on her melon. Her nose seems to be all over her face. Hell, if you are going to pay for a weave, may as well invest in a nose job! Her smile is fake as hell, she is posing for the camera. Hell, Jamelle Hill puts CC to shame. Not only does she have a real smile, and big beautiful eyes, most importantly, SHE ACTUALLY KNOWS A LOT ABOUT SPORTS!!!
      I have mentioned this on here before, I wish ESPN would let me call her (it doesn’t even have to be on the air), and ask her 10 sports questions. 2 each from BB, FB, Baseball, Hockey, and NASCAR, I would even make the questions common knowledge, nothing difficult. I am convinced, at best, she may get 1, maybe 2 right. Obviously, this will never happen, because it would show ESPN made a huge mistake hiring her, and embarrass her because of her ignorance. I would even challenge ESPN to ask me 10 questions, and when I prove I will hit at least 8, they should take the right person for the job, dismiss her, and let that best person have the job that she is sitting in for some unknown reason.

      • I’m not a racist person, but the only logical explanation for her current employment has to be affirmative action. In no way do I want to sound like a bigot, but that has to be the only reason because she is So dreadfully awful at her job.

      • T~Bone

        A friend of mine and I were talking, and we discussed she must have gotten in under the affirmative action law, but we decided that could not be the case. Affirmative action act was set in place to company’s that are not diverse, or do not give equal opportunity to minorities. That is not the case with ESPN, they are very equal. She slipped through the cracks somehow, whether she has something on someone, “knows” someone in upper management (if you know what I mean), or it was just an awful decision to bring her on, and someone has too much pride to let her go. No matter what the case, we seem to be stuck with her if we want to continue to watch the show.

      • Well said. Ya I hate even bringing up the whole Affirmative Action thing, so yes….she prob fucked her way to the top.

      • BTW, I have no issue with Affirmative Action. Just wanted to make that clear with y’all……..Cari Champion on the other hand…….I Have Big Problems With!

  34. Cari’s da Bomb!!! All the people that are hatin on my girl, are pure and simple “Hetrophobes”. She’s fine! Roll TIDE!!!

  35. Don't Hate

    It’s unfortunate that most of you Cari haters have totally missed the point. Her job is a horrible job to have. Sitting between two arrogant loud mouth fake debaters like Stephen A and Skip for two hours is a nightmare. Only someone like cari, who is a relative newbie in entertainment, who needs the job to build a resume would take it. I think that’s why Jay Crawford wanted out. He was way too knowledgeable to have to sit between guests and Skip and be expected to just moderate. It got worse when they added Stephen A on a permanent basis (the show was better when he was only on in small doses). The only positive to Stephen A is that he is not afraid to call Skip out on his bullshit. Otherwise, no one else can get a word in edge wise since he joined the show. He drones on and on and cuts everyone else off. He thinks he’s a master of the English language and communication yet he hasn’t yet figured out that you don’t buffer a point you buttress it; or that if you specifically say something or make a point you have not alluded to it. Stephen A gets on my nerves with his annoying attitude and always trying to speak for Black people. And I’m Black.

    Anyway, back to Cari. She is bad but I cut her a break because the job is horrible and thankless. Stephen A and Skip have treated her with obvious disrespect and condescension from day one; and it’s only moderately improved. Jay was way too knowledgeable and so were most of the other temporary hosts. Jemelle Hill is less eye candy then Cari is but the job is beneath Jemelle. She is one of the most knowledgeable sports people they had on the show and the moderator job is far beneath her as well. If it weren’t for a similar desire to build name recognition, make nice with ESPN (which dominates sports TV) and expand her brand, I’m sure she wouldn’t be co-hosting Numbers Never Lie with that idiot Michael Smith. It’s not Jemelle’s fault that she had to step in to replace the other guy that got fired because of the ugly public altercation with the idiot Michael Smith.

  36. bob smith

    I use to love this show but the format has gone to hell. Please get Carrie off the show. Her interruptions are the only thing she brings ….. Mark my words, in two years this show will be off the air.

  37. ESPNfan

    After nearly year and a half, Cari Champion is still very annoying and still makes a lot of mistakes mixing up names or just getting them wrong. Like getting Michigan and Michigan St. mixed up, calling college football athlete’s Pro Day a Pro Bowl Day, or mixing up Skip and Stephen’s names up, and so many more to list.

    But she still constantly says “yeah, uh huh, mmhmm, etc.” while others are talking and it’s unbearably annoying. She sounds like she’s listening to a preacher.

    She’s so transparent in trying to get attention in front of camera. She would make some unnecessary comment or “yeah, uh huh, mmhmm” then peeks over to the camera to see if she’s in the shot.

    She still tries to make dumb jokes to get attention which is never funny and only makes things awkward. And she sounds like she fake laughs to get more attention like when she’s trying to impress some guy she likes by laughing at his jokes when it’s not funny. 99.9% of the time she’s laughing, she’s laughing alone because it’s really not funny and she’s just trying to get more attention by making noise.

    Any of the replacements or substitute moderators are way better than Cari Champion and a lot more professional!

    • Your analysis is spot on and much better than I could state it. To prior posts I’m against Affirmative Action 100%. It’s not a fair and level field. It’s bias and reverse discrimination. I would have written this under the post that referenced this but was unable to write a reply there.

      • It has got to be affirmative action because she is completely and utterly worthless. Put jamelle hill in there if u gotta have an African American. Or go find a black person who knows what the hell they are doing. Idc who they are what color are or anything just get that woman off the television

  38. ESPNfan

    Ugh, Cari Champion was more annoying than ever today. She probably broke her personal record for most annoying and unnecessary “uh huh, mmhmm, yeah” especially with guests Leila Ali and Marlon Wayans.

    What’s so apparent is how she’s trying to get attention and always looks and peeks at camera to see if she’s in the shot, especially after a loud “uh huh” to get attention or steal spotlight while debaters are talking.

    Was even more annoying after the question was asked to Skip about Jerry Jones making comment about Cowboys being a high rating team on TV. Skip starts by saying, “Stephen A Smith” then before Skip continues or Stephen says anything in response, Cari says a loud “uh huh”, laughs, then says she’s responding for Stephen, and laughs more as she looks at camera in efforts to tease Skip about Cowboys and poor attempt at being funny.

    She even makes a mistake on reading a 4 word twitter quote. It was a Brandon Spike’s 2nd twitter about being in the Bills after 4 years in Patriots saying “4 years a slave”. And Cari reads the quote as “4 years of slave”.

    I don’t know if I can take much more of this no matter how much I like to hear Skip and Stephen’s take on current sports topics. But good to have other shows that talk about the same topics like, SportsNation, Numbers Never Lie, Around the Horn, Pardon the Interruption, and Highly Questionable” to fall back on where no one on those show even remotely falls on the category of annoying like Cari Champion. Any show without Cari Champion is less soul draining and much more fun to watch!

    • The very first thing she said in the opening, she screwed up. Today was aweful! What is espn thinking?

    • Is so pleasant and smooth running when she doesn’t show up to work. The entire show changes for the better. It’s getting soooooo bad, please espn, we are begging you. Get rid of her

  39. Cari Champion is terrible , the one point that every one agrees on, she knows nothing about sports .those who watch first n Take are usually knowledgeable sports fans and to watch her is a insult.

  40. dick sanders

    cari champion honestly gives me heartburn every time she speaks. She always says stuff in the background that is un needed because she knows nothing about sports. Listening to her talk is like windshield wipers wiping with no rain. Please for the love of god bring back jemele hill she actually knew shit about sports.

  41. Leslie Gipson

    I am a huge sports fan and I tune in almost daily to watch First Take. She is a smart woman who breaks up the male dominated show. Carrie is an excellent facilitator. She graduated from one of the best schools in the country.
    We all have opinions and this is mine.

    • Hahahahahahahahaha………you def don’t watch daily if that’s you’re opinion. She’s god awful.

  42. T~bone

    Digs, I am losing it here. I went to 3rd shift after months on first, so I get to watch First Take when I get home from work. The nightmare continues where it left off. I can not believe that in the few months I haven’t watched the show, she could possibly have gotten worse, but she did. The small comments are worse than ever, she is throwing in comments before the guys even finish their sentences. And I have had it when she moderates to end a topic, and says “lets move on SHALL WE?” and then comes right back with, “lets talk about (names the subject) and then again, SHALL WE? OMG! I bullshit you not, as I am typing she just said SHALL WE again!!


    • Oh she’s been on her anti depressants big Time the last two days. Worse than I’ve ever seen. Yesterday she screeched and yelled at herm Edwards “c’mon coach get over here it’s yours turn to be on the TV”…… Right as they going into commercial. Skip and SAS have completely had it with her stupidity and lack of skills u can tell. Ohhhhhh and her fucking rants on racism makes me want to punch her in the face.. Sorry

  43. David

    Okay Cari Champion is an awful mediator. If you all want her kicked out (like me) we need to complain like adults so people will listen. Calling her ugly gives off pointless opinions that doesn’t help our cause, saying she has monkey lips is racially toned, and calling her an ape deeply offends me as a black man. I want to see this woman criticized for her awkward, unprofessional approach, calling her a monkey just because you may think she is unattractive makes us all look like bitter haters who don’t deserve to be heard. Now to the facts. She is horrendous at her job, on st patricks day she was wrapping up the show and said everyone have a happy st patricks day, realizing she had about 10 seconds of air time, she panicked and decided to ask SAS if he was going out drinking that night. SAS was so confused and puzzled at the pointless question. She has no sense of what should and should not be said, and I think she personally flirts with Steven A always giving him the first question, or always stating how profound his argument was when he finishes, and she calls both skip and SAS “her children” on air as if she’s their mother taking care of them. Extremely unprofessional and uncomfortable to enjoy the great debate with her side comments every other word. Jay Crawford was the most professional moderator in the biz, he didn’t just ask questions, but he added more in depth rebuttal questions when the conversation needed a new path. Mediating is like being an NBA assistant coach. Greg Popovich on Spurs new assistant head coach Becky Hammon, “she knows when to talk, she knows when to shut up.” Thats all Cari’s job entails. Not asking about alcoholic beverages live on ESPN, we didn’t come for that. I understand eye candy, but there are thousands of qualified and beautiful women that can just come to work and do their job professionally. She deserved the chance, unfortunately she failed. (Charissa Thompson) call her.

    • Well said man. Ya I didn’t start this blog to call people names. I started it because this person is ruining my daily ritual of watching astute, smart, debates on sports. I can’t even explain how completely lost this woman sounded when she was given the floor to express her outrage over Ray Rice. “I’m trying to find the right words” is what she kept saying over and over…..well guess what Cari…..NOBODY else on ESPN struggles to find words!! They are the best of the best. She should just retire and leave for gods sake. She’s got to know deep down how wakeful she is. Just quit Cari. PLEASE.

      • Michael Perez

        There is no possible way they can continue to use her. She detracts from the show and my ears hurt when she opens her mouth. The two blonde chicks were much better.At least they knew some thins about sports,could speak f-l-u-e-n-t-l-y, and had some personality. like this show but she belongs on some terrible news channel. I just saw her scribble something on paper, ala Skip style. Wtf original thought or idea could she be writing down. She was probably writing her name so she could remember how to say it.

      • It’s gotten so bad it’s unbearable. What a sweet relief it is when she is gone. If I have to hear her refer to them as the “trio” or call SAS and Skip “kids” I’m gonna shoot myself. It’s fucking over remove her!!!

    • Aaron

      I tried to watch the show the last couple of days and I simply turned it off due to Cari Champion’s complete and utter lack of professionalism. She simply doesn’t know when to speak or when to be quiet or what to say or what not to say due to her complete and obvious lack of sports knowledge.

      Cari will continually say “yeah” “Sure” “YUP” “YES” or just simply interrupt the intended speaker mid-sentence or attempt to end the final word of a discussion completely interrupting the speaker regardless of who’s speaking.

      Cari cannot sit still, continuously rustling her papers, clearing her throat, typing on her laptop, scribbling on a piece of paper, attempting to end other people’s sentences, or adjusting her cloths in the middle of the show.

      It’s obvious Cari Champion is absolutely the worst person to have on this type of show and any logical person would think the director of First Take would require the moderator to know at least “SOMETHING/ANYTHING” in regards to the sports world, but I guess not. She never has anything to supplement the debate or anything quality to enhance the topic of the debate or even the capability of complementing Steven A or Skip due to her obvious nonexistence knowledge of sports.

      I completely stopped watching the show all-together due to her irritating background noise (talking over people, shuffling papers, scribbling on her note pad, can’t sit still, saying “yeah” or “sure” after every word in addition to her chronic typing on the laptop that sits directly in front of her.

      I can’t believe this is so obvious to some individuals and not even noticeable to others, if I was the director of the show I would have canned her years ago. I have watched the show since the Cold Pizza days and she is clearly the worst person to ever grace this show in it’s existence.

      I will simply watch Around the Horn or PTI, I cannot watch First Take any longer due to #CARICHAMPION. I will only tune in if I know she is not the moderator for the day.

      • Ahhhhhhhh those beautiful days when she is on vacation or sick are wonderful days.. I cannot imagine a show director who sits back on a daily basis and says “what a great job ol carri did today”.. I just can’t see how she’s lasted so long. Every single female on ESPN is better than her. Put jamelle in there, somebody, ANYBODY!!!! Please

  44. I’m watching this nasty headed weave job of a host ruin any conversation that she sits in on. She’s constantly interrupting the flow of the conversation, she is never prepared in regard to the topic at hand, as I write this she is busy picking lint from her sleeves and has no clue to what is being discussed, she laughs at g_d knows what, she constantly places players on teams they don’t play on, her constant uuhhuhhs drives one crazy. How did this moron score a job on a sports show which she clearly knows nothing about? The people that are so enamored with her looks are either blind or see little to no action. I know so many people that have quit watching other than to have a few laughs at her idiotic shenanigans. Will someone at espn please get rid of this skank?!!!

  45. T~Bone

    Did anyone else get a load of the skanks new wig with the bangs this morning? I swear, when I first saw her with that wig on, I literally laughed out loud! Funniest part is, she thinks she looks good, when actually she looks like a damn fool! I am starting to think she thought it was Halloween, and she was in costume, because only she would wear something so ridiculously comical on TV. I wonder what was going through Skip’s mind when she walked out in that get up? Thanks for the laughs you incompetent, non-sports knowledge skank .HA HA HA!

  46. @gmoney.. Racist? You moron is that the best you got? The convient go-to word when you have zero debating skills. You are as big a jackass as Chumpion is.

  47. Sean

    Wow couldn’t agree any more man, this is a sports channel if I wanted to watch eye candy I’d turn it to the playoboy channel. She isn’t even hit to me anymore her personal is just that bad. “She takes away from the quality and integrity of the show” couldn’t agree anymore. She doesn’t know much, she’s rude, she’s a bitch, she’s Hollywood as hell, and she’s bias to “LALA” land she miss well dress up in a Lakers chearler out it with Pom POM’s everyday.

  48. Lazarus

    Cari may be the only person alive more annoying than Skip.

    Today, along with her usual “uh huh” …”yeah!”….”at ALL”….”sure, sure” interjections, inappropriate and loud cackling, and ill-mannered habit of attempting to finishing people’s sentences, she shouted out “THAT’s what I was going to say!!!” a couple times in the middle of one of SAS’s “soliloquies.” She can’t seem to comprehend that every last viewer knows that she knows nothing about sports, and never will. But her conspicuous lack of sports knowledge is far less annoying than her grating personality, bad manners, incessant laughing, and pathetic craving for admiration.

    • She likes to repeat the last thing somebody says too. I think they are trying to faze her out. I hope, I pray!

      • Lazarus

        What makes you think they’re trying to phase her out? I sure hope you’re right. ESPN must get thousands of emails calling for her ouster. On the few days she takes off (for illness or vacation) she’s replaced by this guy by the name of Cary Chow. He’s a very good moderator. Smart and knowledgeable, but unobtrusive. I like him even better than Jay Crawford.

        As for Champion, she belongs no where near a microphone or camera in any capacity. I wonder why neither SAS or Skip take her aside and tell the stupid bitch to shut the fuck up and stop laughing inappropriately, interrupting, finishing sentences, repeating what others say as if SHE thought of it, etc. How is it possible that THEY aren’t annoyed by it? Very strange.

      • Cause they got her doing 30 for 30 now and nba gametime…both of which shes ruined. Journalist!!! Hahahaha

    • Critical

      You forgot her constant “let’s give it up for _________”

  49. Jimmy J

    She just keeps getting worse. When she first started, she didn’t say much so I was not bothered by her. She mostly stuck to “yeah”, “okay” and “mmm-hmm”, because she didn’t know anything about sports. As time passed she started to think she knows what she is talking about, and has become the most annoying person on ESPN. It has reached the point where the show has become un-watchable. I have started watching The Price is Right most days instead.

  50. Critical

    I have decided she is screwing a higher up so she isn’t going anywhere. With that being said, I now watch her for her unintended comic relief. The funniest thing she has done lately was asking Skip “who was I thinking about?” Skip replied “you’ve got me there”.

  51. Solomon

    Thankfully the irritating, narcissistic, know-nothing, talentless bitch is gone. At least from First Take. No more hearing constant interruptions with “uh-huh,…yeah…YEAH!!!….hmmmm, okay”, etc. No more inappropriate, incessant laughter. Cari Champion is without question the most annoying piece of garbage in the history of television.

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